We offer several services to keep your property free of outdoor pests.

Insect & Disease Control
Lawn damaging insects and diseases are not uncommon; however, if not properly identified and treated they can quickly spread and ruin your lawn or landscape. If you suspect insect infestation or lawn disease, contact the experts at Tender Lawn Care. Our experienced and certified personnel will properly identify the source of your problem and formulate the best solution to treat these problems and prevent them from causing further damage to your landscape.

Mole Control
Moles are capable of destroying a lawn in a short amount of time and, unfortunately, little can be done to keep them from entering your property. The good news is that once you notice them, they can be eradicated – however it is a continuous process that requires maintenance.
If you are having mole issues, contact Tender Lawn Care. Our skilled and experienced technicians will help keep your lawn looking its best with our proven mole control services.

Mosquito Control
If mosquitoes are making it difficult for you to enjoy your outdoor space, it’s time to consider enlisting professional services to control your mosquito population.
At Tender Lawn Care, our fully licensed and trained technicians apply only EPA approved products that kill existing mosquitoes and help keep new ones from migrating back to your property. Full program or one-time treatments are available.